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Image by Jinhan Moon

Seeks to make other disciples intentionally  TOOL BOX


Score: 28-35

Thank God that He has enabled you to obey the command of Christ to make disciples. Keep up the great work as a disciple maker! Encourage others who are also seeking to grow in this area. We would love to hear your story and experience in nurturing others.

Score: 21-27

Persevere in the Great Commission of making disciples of Jesus. We encourage you to continue to seek Him in this call. Consider one or two areas in the Toolbox that will deepen your practice of disciple-making. Feel free to connect with and seek help from other disciple makers or any pastoral staff members. 

Score: 0-20

Fully developed spiritual maturity involves obeying the Great Commission to make other disciples of Jesus Christ. We encourage you to consider the following suggestions in the Toolbox.


1. Deepen your conviction

Read and meditate on Matthew 28.18-20, 2 Tim 2.1-7. What is God teaching you through these texts?

2. Seek to be discipled

Seek a mentor/coach to be discipled, be guided, and to be accountable with.  It could be your CGL or a mature Christian you look up to. If you don’t know any mature Christian, approach any pastoral staff to help you connect with someone. 

3. Disciple someone

Seek out someone you can disciple personally (it could be a younger Christian from your CG or social circles).  Look for someone who is faithful, available and teachable. If you don’t have anyone in mind, approach any pastoral staff to help you connect with someone to disciple.

4. Pray

Set aside time to pray for someone in your circle of influence you would like to disciple (it could be for 10 mins once a week). 

5. Be equipped

Sign up for the next round of our church’s Disciple-making course, Online Mentoring Group (OMG), where you will be trained and equipped to disciple someone, who will in turn disciple someone else in the future (Discipleship Multiplication - 2 Tim 2.2).  Part of the course is for you to read the in-house disciple making booklet Passing It On by Ps Beh Soo Yeong to have a better understanding of what discipleship multiplication involves.

6. Read

the discipleship book, One to One by Sophie De Witt (can be borrowed from the church library) to enhance your understanding and practice of discipling someone on a One-on-One approach. 

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