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Image by David Dibert

Surrenders and submits to God in worship


Score: 28-35

Thank God that you seem to have put Christ as the Lord of your life and it is expressed by constant surrender to and worship of the Lord in your daily life.

Score: 21-27

You have committed yourself to the Lord but there is room for growth. You may want to work on one aspect of this area in the coming year.

Score: 0-20

The worship and lordship of Christ in your life seems to be weak. Examine your life in this area and start working on one weak aspect in this area. Be sure to keep a regular daily devotional time with God.

Note: If you are not sure of your salvation or whether you have been saved, we encourage you to talk to an older Christian about your assurance of faith in Christ


Whenever we surrender to God, we acknowledge that we are frail human beings in need of God Almighty and we recognise that there are things beyond our control. We acknowledge God as

the Creator of all (Romans 12.1-2).

To improve in this aspect of Surrender and Worship of God, you can follow the suggestions below:

1. Spend time

daily in prayer and worship of God. Reflect on what you are thankful for. Bring your concerns and surrender them before God. Get a buddy to be accountable to each other.

2. Cultivate

a deeper conviction, read and meditate on

3. Examen

Spend time each day examining how you have lived in the grace of God by practising Examen Prayer daily. Here is a good resource

4. Worship services

Challenge yourself to attend worship services weekly and share with a friend what you have learnt and experienced during the service.

5. Tithe

Commit to tithe to God and practice regular tithing to Him as an act of worship.

6. Personal worship

Use Youtube for your favourite praise songs in your personal time of worship.  

7. Deepen

your understanding and conviction using these resources: 

    a. Desiring God Interview -

Surrendered to Christ 

    b.  Celebration of Disciplines Richard Foster 

    c.  Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray 

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