(with the church)
In 2021, we had the opportunity to collaborate with a total of 8 organisations to show love to vulnerable communities. Volunteers were variously involved in ordering, packing and distributing care packs, sharing a meal, and befriending our beneficiaries.
Migrant Workers
Halfway House Residents
Single Mums
St Luke's Eldercare
Street Walkers &
Geylang 'uncles'
teenange girls
Growing Deeper
We are going to continue to explore further collaborations with 3 organizations. Please look out for announcement in our church ebulletin as well as weekly announcement for upcoming events in the months to come.
teenange girls
Click on the picture for more information
Join our monthly outreach connections with your family, friends, or CG! No long-term commitment needed, but be prepared to want to sign up for more
#1 Kopi with Migrant Brothers
Coffee, snacks, and good conversation. Bring the love of Jesus to migrant workers at Kranji Recreation Centre through your friendship and hospitality. We welcome all with a heart for these brothers to join our kopi sessions –
1st and 3rd Sundays, 4.30-6pm
Kranji Recreation Centre, 11 Kranji Close
#2 Gladiolus Place
Together with the Ladies Ministry, join us for monthly baking or craft sessions at Gladiolus Place – a non-profit Christian residential refuge for at-risk teenage girls. We welcome all females (young and young at heart) to be part of the restoration journey in these girls’ lives –
2nd Saturdays, 10am-12.30pm
Gladiolus Place, 6A Mattar Road