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17 & 18 August 2024 (Pastoral Page) HOW WILL THEY BELIEVE?

By Asst Ps Elaine Ng

Over the past few days, we heard from various ones on the outreach opportunities for their respective ministries through the Devotional Videos - from Kids to Youth, Personal Outreach to Community Outreach, CARE Groups to Chinese Ministry. I'm sure you agree that the outreach opportunities abound and the need is urgent. But could we still be thinking to ourselves that sharing the Gospel is not for me? Or can't I just live a good life to demonstrate that I am a believer of Jesus Christ?


Well, if we call ourselves a disciple or follower of Jesus Christ, then the answer to those questions is No and No! Jesus Christ left His grand plan of salvation of the world to His disciples and that involves you and I proclaiming the Gospel (Good News) to family, friends, coworkers and neighbours. Think about it. How did you get to put your faith in Christ? I’m sure it is because someone shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with you. So how will your family and friends get to be saved from their sins? Surely, it will be because someone shared the Good News with them.


This is what the Paul meant in Romans 10:14 when he asked

“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”


Too often, many of us (me included) come up with excuses to not proclaim the Gospel. Perhaps it’s being uncertain of what to say. Maybe it’s the fear of a negative response or even rejection. Could it be possible that some of us don’t want to talk about Jesus at all? That we are actually ashamed of Him? We who know Christ should never be ashamed of Him. Just think of what He's done on the Cross for us and the power of the Gospel that has transformed so many lives including yours and mine.


Paul was not addressing preachers or pastors but everyday believers like you and me. If we are not clear of what to say, then as Jesus' disciples, don't you think we all need to know how to share the Gospel? For some, it may even be getting back to understanding what the Gospel is in the first place. Earlier this year, my daughter passed me a book simply entitled, "What is the Gospel?” by Greg Gilbert. It is because this question has resulted in heated discussions and also varied responses if you were to ask fellow Christians to tell you “What is the Gospel” that Gilbert wanted to formulate a clear biblical understanding of the Gospel through Paul's systematic presentation of the gospel in Romans and through the sermons in Acts. He argues that the central structure of the Gospel consists of 4 main subjects: God, man, Christ and a response. Shortly after reading the book, I was presented with the opportunity to practise sharing the Gospel with a Pickleball acquaintance focusing on those 4 main subjects. She had been exposed to the Christian faith in school and went to church for a period as a teen. As we chatted over lunch, she opened the door by asking me, “Actually, what is the Gospel ah?”. I had not expected this opening as we literally bumped into each other at the hawker centre. With the door wide open and a quickly breathed prayer, I shared the Good News with her. I believe this was a (re)-planting of the seed and I pray that she will move from being a ‘Donald to Gerry or Oliver’ (see spiritual receptivity categories in CPR-AIR app).


All disciples should be clear on what the Gospel is to share it effectively. In fact, we will have a sermon on this in September, so stay tuned. For those who can't wait, we have made various tools available on our church website and recently launched our new CPR-AIR App. Why not practise with your family members, in your CGs or small groups? As the saying goes, practice makes perfect.


Why am I going on about proclamation? Let's not be mistaken—doing good deeds, living a faultless life, but never speaking of Jesus means we’re just going to be seen as really nice people. And let's be honest, pre-Christians can be really nice people too. But if we Christians fail to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who else is going to do that? No one.


Yes, our deeds show the love of Christ working itself out in our lives, but it's our words that proclaim Him so others may know Him, too. Words and deeds should always go together. So do not be ashamed, and do not be afraid. Remember His grace in your life, remember it's the Holy Spirit that convicts, pray for the Spirit to work and then speak.


As it is written, “how beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news”. Let us pray.


Our Father, we praise you for creating all things including humankind to live in and under Your rule forever. We ask for your forgiveness that we rebelled against your authority and rule and so set ourselves up for a life that was destined for eternal separation from You leading to death. We thank You that in your mercy and grace, You sent Your son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins. Through His death, we have been forgiven and are no longer condemned to eternal death. Through His resurrection from the dead, we have a living hope of new life now and for eternity. We thank you that when we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that You raised Him from the dead, we are saved and we receive Your Holy Spirit who empowers us to live this new life and to proclaim the good news to others as you have commanded us to do. We pray that we will not be ashamed of You or the Gospel but will go forth in the power of Your Spirit to proclaim and demonstrate the beauty of the Gospel of Jesus to our family, friends, co-workers and neighbours. We ask this in Jesus our Saviour’s name, Amen.

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