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4 & 5 Jan 2025 (Pastoral Page) KINGDOM FAITH


By Ms Lilian Poon

New year, new resolutions! The world loves to recalibrate in the new year by setting new goals as guideposts to look forward to. For me, I love to pray for a word from the Lord for the new season. This helps to shape my paradigm and becomes my “altar of memorial stones” that serves as good reminders when the going gets tough.

As I sat with God to give thanks for both the good and challenging times this year, two words came to mind: Kingdom Faith. “Faith” based on Hebrew 11:1-2, and the reminder that Christ is our King and His Kingdom here. Kingdom faith that is fixated on the King and His Kingdom sounds good, but how is it going to manifest in the next 365 days? Here are some food for thought that I have been percolating on:

1. Kingdom faith focuses on the King and cultivates the constant presence of God

Faith to live in the presence of my King means to cultivate a constant awareness of God. I discover from experience that setting aside a few increments of 2-3 minutes during my day to utter a simple prayer of thanksgiving to God really helps me to practice the presence of God and be more centered spiritually. These increments could happen while we say grace for our meals, take the train to work or home or do the dishes.  Cultivating such a rhythm alleviates my anxieties by shifting and centering my focus back to my King and His word.


2. Kingdom faith partners with the King and distributes the 5 loaves and 2 fishes from His hand

Matthew 14:13-21 shares the narrative of how the disciples partnered with Jesus to feed the 5000. Christ’s classic answer “You give them something to eat” was given in response to the hunger of the masses. While the disciples urged their Rabbi to send the masses away, Jesus gently reminded them that they’ve got what was needed right there, simply partner with God and He will make it happen.


Perhaps God has been nudging you “You give them something to eat” by being available to help one other person in their faith journey. Hand your five loaves and two fishes over to God and He can make wonderful things happen. Some of us may be feeling dry and tired, even a little jaded with years of serving. Isn’t it curious to observe that this miracle happens when the disciples went away to a deserted place with Christ. Where we are does not matter, but who we are with does. If we are with Christ our King, we are exactly where we should be. God will nourish our souls and spirits once again to take on the call to be a channel of His blessing. With God nothing is impossible.


3. Kingdom faith honors the King and chooses R.P.G. regardless

Lastly, I must refer to the inspiring year-end sermon last weekend (28/29 December 2024). Pastor Beh wraps up the year with this acronym R.P.G. taken from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 to “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances”. What a wonderful thought to anchor our responses and choices. In the next 365 days ahead, I am certain that we must make choices at some junctures. We can either be shoved around with the highs and lows of life filled with setbacks, challenges or victories, or we could position ourselves at these junctions and choose kingdom faith to R.P.G. with eyes fixated on our King.


Remember this, we are only foreigners in this world. Our true kingdom identity is citizens of the eternal kingdom of Christ. How often have we got it the other way round instead? This implies that whatever happens here, including the good, the bad and everything in between, will eventually pass. Kingdom faith recognizes our true kingdom identity being princes and princesses in the eternal kingdom. With eternal perspective, we can rejoice, pray and give thanks with confidence because we truly have a better kingdom to look forward to and a King to meet.


Let’s spend some time today to reflect on this. I find that we often do not think enough of Him or the eternity that awaits us. May I also invite us to pray along with Augustine of Hippo as we dedicate ourselves to the King in the new year.


O God, the light of every heart that sees Thee, the Life of every soul that loves Thee, the strength of every mind that seeks Thee, grant me ever to continue steadfast in Thy holy love. Be Thou the joy of my heart; take it all to Thyself, and therein abide. Amen.

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