"Celestine and I started to attend The Bible Church online service around August last year. We were attracted by the sermon teachings and decided to worship in TBCS permanently. We enquired for a CG to attend so that we can know people in the church to have regular fellowship with. We are blessed to have join the Care and Connect CG where we can learn, share and pray for each other. The CG often organised meals and walks where we could build deeper relationships. At each CG meeting, members took turns to lead in ice-breaker, worship and Bible study and help each other to grow spiritually. Indeed being in a CG help anchor us well to the church."
- by Ivan Tan
“I find that being in a cell community, besides anchoring us to TBC, has also helped me during these uncertain times where fear & anxiety can be a problem for me. I meet up via ZOOM with my Growing Deeper prayer partner (who’s from my CG) nearly every week to pray together. This coupled with the care & support from the other brothers & sisters in the CG has enabled to be more rested in the Lord during these times.”
– by Celestine Tan