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31 March 2024 (Pastoral Page) JESUS IS ALIVE!


By Asst Ps Timothy Lee

Today is Easter Day when Christians all over celebrate the resurrection of our Jesus Christ. It is a joyful occasion as Jesus was crucified on the cross on Good Friday, died, was buried and rose from the grave three days later on Easter. Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection is the cornerstone of the Christian faith.

Ever since Adam and Eve sinned, everyone will experience death. No one has ever escaped death. The Bible tells us that we “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) and “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23a). Death is the penalty for sin.

Jesus Christ's purpose is to die on the cross for our sins. Romans 4:25 tells us his death on the cross was an atonement for the sins of humanity, and he was raised to life for our justification. This means that through his resurrection, we are made right with God and are declared righteous before Him. Jesus' resurrection is the ultimate proof of his divinity and his victory over sin and death. Through his death and resurrection, we have been given the gift of salvation and eternal life. Such is the love and grace of God shown to us through His Son.

Since the end of last year, it has been a season of bereavement for me, including two dear friends who were pastors. They were called home to be with the Lord in their 60s. Looking at their cancer-stricken bodies in the coffin, frail and very much different from their healthier days which they suffered terribly before their death, left a sense of sadness in my heart. I am reminded that death is inevitable.

As I attended the wake services together with the families and congregations in which they ministered, it has been a time to reflect on the meaning of life and death and the saving salvation that we have in Jesus Christ. There is sadness, there are tears, yet there is hope. There is hope in death. How amazing that God, the Creator of heaven and earth, willingly spared his Son to die on the cross for you and me and by faith in the resurrection of Jesus, we have the assurance of eternity with God to all who believe in him. It is not just knowledge but a community of faith embodying hope together, fixing our eyes on the eternal perspective on the coming of the Lord where we will all gather with those who have fallen asleep in him and be together again praising and worshipping God (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

Jesus’ resurrection gives each believer the hope of resurrection. Easter is a celebration of the hope he has given us and is ever more meaningful as we hold on to the faith, even when we die, we will resurrect and be together with Jesus Christ when he comes again.

What does Easter mean to you and how do you see the saving grace and power of the resurrection in your life?

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